Orrisa State Exam Center Examiner & Centre Incharge Dr Sunandan Mishra Baripada & Dr. C.M. Patra Jharpokharia
Practice, education and research in Electro Homoeopathy has been allowed by the Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Department of Health Research in vide letter no. C.30011/22/2010-HR. Dated.21/o6/2011. This order clarified that the MH&FW Order No. R.14015/25/96-U&H(R)(Pt.). Dated.25/11/2003 and No. V.25011/276/2009/HR.Dated.05/05/2010 would be treated as instructions of the Government of India related to practice, education and research with regard to alternative system of medicine like Electropathy, Electro Homoeopathy etc.
Order No. R.14015/25/96-U&H(R ) (Pt.) Dated. 25/11/2003 says… that the institutions do not grant any degree/diploma in the stream of medicine which have not been recognized by the government.
Order No.V.25011/276/2009/HR. Dated.05/05/2010 says “However, the order No.R.14015/25/96-U&H(R )(Pt.) Dated. 25/11/2003 does not bar the development and research of Electropathy. There is no proposal to stop practicing in Electropathy or imparting education as long as this is done within the provision of the Order No. R.14015/25/96-U&H(R ) (Pt.) Dated. 25/11/2003. Once the legislation to recognized new systems of medicine is enacted, any practice or education would be regulated in accordance with the said act. ”
The Government of India is also informed in his letter Dated. 29/06/2012 that the Order No. C.30011/22/2010-HR Dated.21/6/2011.is Governing Order relating to practice, education and research in Electro Homoeopathy System of Medicine.
Government of U.P. has complied the above order in
verbatim and issued the following order on 04/01/2012:
The Directorate General of Medical & Health Services, U.P. has approved this order and issued letter. No vfHk0 n’kZ0@2013/2399 Dated. 02/09/2013 to all the Additional Director of Medical Health & Family Welfare of the state directing to issue directions to all the District Chief Medical Officer’s of their division.
All the Divisional Additional Directors has been issued direction to the District Chief Medical Officers for compliance of the above Government Order.
The Government of Uttrakhand has also issued an Order Dated. 13/09/2013 for compliance the said central government order.
The Government of Himachal Pradesh has been issued an order Dated. 10/08/2011:
“To all C.M.O & all D.A.O. in Himachal Pradesh for information and guidance.”
The Government of Arunachal Pradesh has been informed in his letter Dated. 01/10/2013:
“The copies of GOI order no. C.30011/22/2010-HR Dated. 21/06/2011 being sent to the Deputy Commissioner of respective districts of Arunachal Pradesh for necessary action.”
The Government of Assam has been informed in his letter Dated. 16/11/2013:
“Government of India’s letter no. C.30011/22/2010-HR Dated. 21/06/2011 has clarified the practice, education and research with alternative system of medicine like Electropathy, Electro Homoeopathy etc.”
The Union Territory of Chandigarh has been informed in his letter Dated. 22/10/2013:
“The relevant letter was sent to the Nodal Officer, Bogus Doctor Checking Team, UT Chandigarh for information and necessary action.”
The Government of Mizoram has been informed in his letter Dated. 01/10/2013:
“There is no practice, education and research in Electro Homoeopathy System of Medicine in Mizoram.”
The Government of Sikkim has been informed in his letter Dated. 18/10/2013:
“State of Sikkim not implementing any kind of education, practice or research in Electropathy, Electro Homoeopathy etc. as we do not have any professional qualified in the above field.”
The Government of Chhattisgarh has been informed in his letter dated. 29/10/2011:
“Electro Homoeopathy system of Medicine is not covered under controlled system of medicines.”
The Union Territory of Dadra Nagar & Haveli administration has been informed in his letter Dated. 18/09/2013:
“The Director, Medical and Health services do not taken any action.”
The Government of Goa has been informed in his letter Dated. 23/09/2013:
“Information sought is not received.”
The Government of Gujarat has been informed in his letter Dated. 18/11/2013:
“The state government has taken a decision on 06/06/2012, hence no consideration is required.”
The Government of Jharkhand has been informed in his letter Dated. 04/12/2013:
“The Electro Homoeopathic System of Medicine is neither has been recognized nor been under consideration.”
The Karnataka Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine has been informed in his letter Dated. 21/10/2013:
“As for as the Electro Homoeopathy is concerned , it is out of our mandated jurisdiction. We have no competence or jurisdiction to comment on the policy decisions taken by any state government or Union Territory of India. “
The Government of Maharashtra has been informed in his letter Dated. 30/10/2013:
“The stand of state government is still as order Dated. 18/11/2010.”
The Department of Indian System of Medicine and Homoeopathy, Pudduchery has been informed in his letter Dated. 10/10/2013:
“Instructions/ orders are awaited from the department of AYUSH, New Delhi in this regard.”
The Government of Tamilnadu has been informed in his letter Dated. 16/11/2013:
“The Government of India has not recognized electro Homoeopathy as a system of medicine. Therefore, the electro homoeopathy system is not yet recognized in the state of Tamilnadu.”
The Government of Tripura has been informed in his letter Dated. 08/10/2013:
“The matter was already communicated with the Director (HR) department of health research, government of India, New Delhi.”
The Government of West Bengal has not care neither the order of the central government nor the people of the West Bengal who are benefitted by the Electro Homoeopathic system as taking treatment as well as the practitioner’s of electro homoeopathy who are engaged in self employment and selfless services to the state of West Bengal. So it is a duty of the practitioners’ as well as organizations of Electro Homoeopathy which is functioning in the state of West Bengal to approach the government of West Bengal for implementation of the order of Government of India which are enjoyed by the most part of country or issue any other similar order as the state government may think just and proper in the interest of the people of the West Bengal.
Similarly, other state where this order yet not been implemented; followers of Electro Homoeopathy should approach to the respective state governments for the implementation of the said central government order.
“Health is a state subject, so any state government can provide facilities and privileges to the peoples of their state by its own.”